Avmxer Wikia

The Axis is a political alliance, between three nations, mostly located in the East, including Eli, the Stritates, and Candeli. The first two members of the Axis when formed in 2015 were Fellission (modern-day Fanland) and Eli.

The Axis, along with the two other Pretendworld alliances, are currently fighting each other in World War 10, the longest World War and war at all in Pretendworld history.

Political Affiliations[]

The Allies are generally disliked by the Axis. They went to war with the Allies 6 times including during WW8. Fanland led their coalition of dislike several times, by displacing the hearts of Jandians against Evadne, their queen. The Stralliance is an example of an alliance that is currently neutral with the Allies.

  • Amerstan & Jandy declare war on ELI, prompting WW2


  • Eli
  • Candeli
  • The 52 Stritates

History []
